Become a Sponsor

Key Points and Benefits

  • Increase brand visibility and awareness among industry professionals.
  • Network with leading researchers, industry experts, and potential customers.
  • Showcase your products and services to a targeted audience.
  • Gain insights into the latest trends and developments in pharmaceutical research.
  • Enhance your company's reputation and credibility within the industry.

Sponsor Categories

Platinum Sponsor

Includes premier booth space, keynote speaking opportunity, logo on all materials, and more.

5,00,000 ₹

Gold Sponsor

Includes premium booth space, logo on materials, and more.

4,00,000 ₹

Silver Sponsor

Includes standard booth space, logo on materials, and more.

3,00,000 ₹

Bronze Sponsor

Includes booth space, logo on materials, and more.

2,50,000 ₹

Supporter Sponsor

Includes logo on materials and website.

1,00,000 ₹